Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I was crying. I looked in the mirror, saw my face. It had turned uglier, and without any further thought, without warning, I smiled through those tears to see if it makes any improvement. It did.

 I decided to be happy as I was tired of being sad. It was then that I realized, how easy it was to swim in the river of happiness, and how much effort it took to persuade myself back into the pond of grief. The river of happiness does not drown you, whereas once you manage to put even the tip of your foot into the pond of grief, which requires a lot of struggle, you start getting sucked into it and you never understand when you get totally submerged, from head to toe, into that horrible swamp. The good news is, happiness can save you. You just need to recognize it, which doesn’t require as much struggle as it is usually propounded by many.

Any sad feeling is an emotion deliberately forced on one’s mind. Any given situation asks the witness for a reaction by way of expression of the spontaneous emotion emerging in one’s mind. The expression is always exaggerated. Its intensity increases manifold through the journey from its emergence in mind to the outer muscles of one’s body which display the expressions. This exaggeration, this increased intensity can be reduced simply by acknowledging the fact that no matter what happens around us, we always remain happy. There is no negative feeling existent in the world. The world accepts each and everything as a positive event. When we feel down, we actually find ourselves standing on one of the lowest levels of happiness. Happiness can only be diminished, it is never finished. It is hidden, never destroyed. Happiness comes naturally. It constantly yearns to fully envelope our minds. And once it does, it simplifies everything. It is the stupid human mind which doesn’t want anything simplified. Whatever is easy, whatever destroys the feeling of being challenged is not accepted by the egotist human mind. The human mind likes complicated things; but complications do not exist naturally. So the mind takes on itself to complicate things. Complications give the mind an illusion of a purpose for its existence; the purpose - one can’t ignore the irony - of simplifying things.

People waste their entire lives in simplifying things the wrong way – things which they themselves have complicated – to simplify later on. People weave this circular web around themselves. And this, is, STUPID! Then what is the real purpose of life? What is the need of the existence of mind? If things in their absolute forms are simple, and if simplifying their deliberately complicated forms by means of happiness is also simple, then what are we supposed to do after achieving this simplicity? It will mean that we are satisfied, that our purpose of life is complete, right? WRONG! 

Happiness and satisfaction are two different entities. They are not synonyms, but they are connected. People, with their complicated minds, often think that happiness is the purpose of life, that once we achieve happiness, our purpose of life is complete. This is a misconception. Humans are restless creatures. Being restless is their true and absolute nature. The purpose of life is to conquer this nature. It can be conquered with satisfaction. There is nothing beyond satisfaction, as satisfaction puts an end to the chapter. One can’t be restless once one is satisfied. Satisfaction is a stage of life, which is to be achieved towards the ultimate climax. Whereas, happiness is a state of mind. Satisfaction is the ultimate destination, while happiness is the travel guide. It has instructions to accompany us throughout our journey of life. No matter how hard we try, we have no option but to carry happiness with us all the time. 

When we say we are sad, happiness acts like an organ gone numb, which we can’t feel at the moment, but it is there. What do we normally do to feel any organ that’s gone numb? We put our body in a relaxing position; and blood starts flowing towards that organ. What is blood? Blood is the medium through which energy flows. That’s what we have to realize and that’s what we have to do - we have to relax our mind and let our thoughts flow towards happiness. Our thoughts carry energy. Once that energy reaches happiness, the torture ends, and we start living again, until we are satisfied. 

 - © Kaustubh Anil Pendharkar 

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